Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Census 2010: It's In Our Hands

Census 2010: It’s In Our Hands.

April First used to be known as April Fools’ Day but this year we are going to call it “Census Day” and it is really not a joke. The census is a very important count that occurs every 10 years. Although it is really easy to think it is no big deal, it really is. I spoke at a press conference in Lawton last week where the census people were present and they encouraged community leaders to stress to their citizens how important the census is on many fronts. One of the biggies in Oklahoma is representation in congress.

We have a tremendous amount of growth in Southwest Oklahoma. While that growth may not reach very far into our smaller communities, it will definitely make a difference in the Lawton-Ft. Sill general region. You do not have to drive very far in almost any direction in Lawton to see the growth that has occurred, and continues to occur, through the expansion in Ft. Sill. Lawton has actually slipped to number five on the list of Oklahoma’s largest cities. We used to trade licks with Norman but I think Norman has passed us, along with Broken Arrow. Those of us in the legislature want to make sure that every person in Southwest Oklahoma is counted. A lot of things hinge on population. We certainly want to position ourselves well where funding is concerned and we do not want to slip any further. It stands to reason that the cities outside of major metro areas have an easier time growing than we do down here in the deep southwest. By the same token, we want to make sure that even if we get whipped, we want to get whipped on a level playing field. It is going to be hard to tell until the numbers are in, but I really feel like we have a shot at a growth surge in Southwest Oklahoma. Ft. Sill has told us from the beginning that they expect an increase of ten to twelve thousand troops and families. In the last report I got from the top brass at Ft. Sill, I was told that we are about 50 percent there as far as new people coming. With each new mission that comes to Ft. Sill there comes also what is known as a “contractor tail” that follows the new missions as they move. They really cannot get a number on the contractor part but it will be an additional number of people, only nobody can tell you how many. So, if enough of those folks hit Lawton and surrounding communities, we should be a mark increase in population.

The folks from the Census Bureau tell us that the census form will be very simple: 10 questions and you are done. One of the problems that they encountered during the last session was that only 63 percent responded. When that happens, everyone else is estimated which could put us at a distinct disadvantage. Also mentioned in the press conference was that the Census Bureau will be looking for workers to help compile these numbers. It is very possible that there could even be some employment opportunities for people in our area, like retirees or people who would want to put in a couple months of work. For more information on job opportunities with the US Census or any other questions that may pertain to this ever important population count, visit their website at www.2010census.gov. Overall remember, the big cities are going to do just fine. But, it is us in the rural parts of Oklahoma that are so easily forgotten. So stand up and be counted and help us help you.

The deadline for filing new bills for this legislature has come and gone. In the next week or two we will have more information on what kind of bills are being introduced and we will try to hit some highlights and give you a rundown on what we might see as session approaches.

If you would like to contact me while I am at the capitol, please do not hesitate to send an email to donarmes@house.gov or call me at 1-800-522-8502.

And here’s a little something to think about as you go down the road:

As the Census Bureau says: “We Can't Move Forward Until You Mail It Back.”

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